Why is Condition Monitoring important to improve the effectiveness of your machinery?

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Importance of Condition Monitoring

Machinery breakdown is very normal & inevitable. Using condition monitoring, engineers can avoid sudden breakdown of machinery which results in heavy losses.

Yes, you heard it correct- Engineers can accurately predict when this is likely to happen and how they can prevent sudden breakdowns through condition monitoring techniques.

What is Condition Monitoring?

Condition monitoring is a reliable process of monitoring a specific condition in machinery (such as vibration, temperature and so on) to find changes that could indicate a developing fault. It is an integral part of predictive maintenance as implementing monitoring the condition of machines allows for maintenance to be planned and preventive actions to be adopted to prevent failure and subsequent unplanned downtime.

Why Do Machines Fail?

Machinery failure is inevitable which will be due to different reasons. Machinery fails or loses their effectiveness when they stop functioning in the way they were designed for.

Is Condition Monitoring Important?

The monitoring of equipment’s condition is very critical to ensure every single component of equipment is functioning properly & efficiently.

The data discovered through monitoring should be turned into actionable steps, important decisions, and ongoing maintenance tasks, for machines to function well in the future as well.

Condition monitoring is an efficient, non-intrusive process with the potential to save money & time in secondary damage, lost production, and unnecessary maintenance. It’s very important to make it part of your routine maintenance program. The condition monitoring helps you to get to know the equipment better and provides long-term productivity.

Advantages of Condition Monitoring:

✓ Helps in avoiding major breakdowns and reduces downtime.

✓ Provides better asset management across its lifespan.

✓ Reduces costs, particularly wrt emergency maintenance.

✓ Helps to develop predictive algorithms in the future.

What is Online and Offline Condition Monitoring?

Online Condition Monitoring is a continuous process of scanning and identifying the loopholes in the machinery engaged in the production process to minimize cost and interruptions whereas, Offline Condition Monitoring is a time-based scanning process that is not a continuous one but is done to improve the effectiveness of the machinery. Some of the instruments which assist in the online monitoring process are VIBGUARD IiOT, VIBGUARD®, VIBREX, VIBROTECTOR, WEARSCANNER and the offline process includes SONOCHEK, VIBSCANNER 2, VIBXPERT II, etc.

See all Products: https://www.aimil.com/partners/pruftechnik-condition-monitoring-gmbh/all-products

Condition Monitoring Alignment

Types of Condition Monitoring based on your needs:

  • Oil Analysis/Tribology
  • Vibration Analysis/Dynamic Monitoring
  • Motor Circuit Analysis
  • Thermography/Temperature Measurements/Infrared Thermography
  • Ultrasonic Monitoring/Acoustic Analysis/Airborne Ultrasonic
  • Radiography/Radiation Analysis/Neutron Radiography

Also Read ROTALIGN® touch EX -Accelerating Laser Shaft Alignment in Hazardous Areas

Condition Monitoring Instruments & Services

There are many companies that manufacture/ supply instruments and provide services that assist in monitoring the condition of the machine. 

Aimil Ltd. is one of the Leading Instrumentation Company with ISO 9001:2015 Certification and Pan India presence who is also involved in a different area of engineering consultancy and have Joint venture with Pruftechnik, Germany.

Pruftechnik Aimil Condition Monitoring Private Limited is a globally recognized company providing Condition Monitoring and Alignment Product & Services in the Indian market

The company provides service for Vibration analysis and Laser shaft alignment with help of the most advanced instruments. One of the maintenance strategies adapted worldwide requires us to use ultra-modern techniques for maintaining the running machinery in healthy condition. The company helps customers in developing condition-based maintenance plan through Vibration analysis. The frequency of vibration in rotating parts can indicate how well that component is operating. In this current era of precision accuracy and strict tolerance, the company provides solutions to the industry for Flatness measurement, Straightness measurement, and Bore Centerline measurement to an accuracy of 0.001mm, such as Levalign and Boralign. Measurements made through this, are both accurate and repeatable. The company provides detailed reports which clearly show the current measured condition. They do offer vibration analysis, development of condition monitoring cell, aligning machinery to its highest accuracy, removing the unbalance in the machinery parts through in-situ balancing.


How we can implement condition monitoring systems?

The condition monitoring system can be broadly implemented by:
a.    Installing the monitoring system hardware onto equipment you are working on.
b.    Baseline Data Measurement is the second important step
c.    Monitoring is pivotal which should be an ongoing process to improve the effectiveness of the machine.

Do you believe that engine condition monitoring is cost-effective for Owners?

Yes, it does as the idea behind is that the implemented monitoring system will enable the aircraft to identify its own engine problems, thereby minimizing operational and other costs.

Do you know about condition monitoring techniques?

There are various types of Condition Monitoring techniques:
1. Vibration analysis and diagnostics. One should analyze the frequency of vibration in rotating parts to indicate how well the component is operating.
2. Lubricant Analysis.
3. Acoustic Emission.
4. Infrared Thermology.

How I will find out my car needs condition monitoring services?

1. When the tire starts to wear rapidly.
2. While you are driving straight you feel the Steering wheel is crooked.
3. When you begin to hear noise from steering.
4. Pulling to the right or left.
5. When tires begin to Squealing.

How many methods of Shaft alignment?

There are different methods that can be used such as
1. Rim and Face Alignment
2. Straight Edge Agent
3. Reverse dial alignment
4. Laser alignment


You can choose from various Condition Monitoring techniques available, that suit your equipment’s requirement, integrate them into your maintenance platform and analyze the data, these techniques will improve the efficiency of your machinery and also help in proper maintenance which is the need of an hour.

For more details, please visit www.aimil.com   or For any inquiry, please contact:  marcom@aimil.com

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