Infrastructure and Importance of Instrumentation

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Infrastructure is critical for development of any nation. An appropriate level of quality can be determined during all phases of the construction project by using Quality Equipment, especially in
construction and commissioning stages. It is therefore suggested no compromises should be done with use of Quality Instruments as these  ensure construction of desired standards and life.

Quality check of Road construction includes properly evaluating the pre and post construction activities, which is a very sensitive and intensive activity. Rightly choosing the effective substitute methods to conventional methodologies can improve the quality control check for soil compaction in a highly cost effective, less human intervention and errorless way.

Light Weight Deflectometer (LWD)
The Dynatest Light Weight Deflectometer (LWD), also known as the light falling weight Deflectometer (LFWD), light drop weight test and dynamic plate load test, is a portable device that measures the soil in-situ LWD dynamic modulus (Stiffness and in-situ elastic modulus). Typically, this modulus is used to evaluate the subsoil degree of compaction. Thus, it is suitable for compaction quality control of soil-surfaced roads, embankments and replacement fill.

Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD)
The Dynatest Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) applies a dynamic load that simulates the loading of a moving wheel. The pavement response is analysed with
Dynatest’s ELMOD (Evaluation of Layer Moduli and Overlay Design) software to determine the elastic moduli, stresses and strains of each modelled layer. ELMOD reports the weakest layer of failure, residual life and determines the optimum rehabilitation alternatives. The FWD is available as a trailer or a truck mounted version (USA only) meeting all FWD standards worldwide.

Visco-2000 Viscometer
The Aimil Visco 2000 Viscometer is specially designed to perform ASTM 04402 & BIS 73 high temperature testing of asphalt binders. The viscometer features an electrically heated thermal chamber with an auto – tuned PIO controller for precise regulation of asphalt temperatures up to 300°C supplied complete with a C25 titanium bob & stainless-steel cup. Single point measurements can be performed via the instrument front panel and displayed on the built-in keyboard or optional printer, eliminating the need for a PC. However, if more sophisticated tests and analysis is needed, the viscometer can be interfaced with a PC and can be used
in conjunction with Aimil Visco software.

Dynamic Shear Rheometer
The Malvern Kinexus DSR Series is the next generation rotational rheometer platform for Asphalt testing that’s been developed from extensive market knowledge and feedback, integrating innovative instrument design with a revolutionary software interface, to deliver an intelligent solution that will exceed your rheological expectations. A modular rheometer with true ‘plug and play’ functionality is available for all measuring systems and environmental control units. The Kinexus DSR Series enables pioneering Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) based testing with a built-in comprehensive library of standard test protocols for the Asphalt industry.

Universal Testing Machine
The Cooper UTM machine is a development of the NAT, which was developed by Keith Cooper and Professor Steven Brown at the University of Nottingham. The use of a high precision
servo-valve in conjunction with a lowfriction actuator and sophisticated data acquisition and control, results in a performance that is equal to many servohydraulic systems.

Accurate, digitally generated waveforms are applied by the actuator producing repeatable stress variations in test specimens that are simulative of those in a road pavement due to moving traffic. The actuator is double-acting allowing both compressive and tensile forces to be applied. Different attachments are available for the measurement of Resilient Modulus (ASTM D7369), Dynamic Creep, ITD for Asphalt, unbound soil testing etc.

Compression Testing Machine
Automatic Compression Testing Machine are fully automated version of the manual/semi-automatic compression testing machine. The machine is available in 50kN to 5000kN capacity ranges. It has provision for automatically turning the pump on & off, controlling the set pace
rate & switching the machine off under predetermined conditions. The control releases the pressure at the end of every run & reinitializes the machine at the beginning of every test. The pace rate is maintained by means of full three term PIO feedback control using high torque stepper motors & driver sets. Data acquisition, storage, management & analysis are all
fully automated.

Pave Frame
The “True Speed” load frame provides a long term, very low maintenance, value for money operation. The frame works on an internal feedback system and eliminates the fixed gear system. The limitation of speed drops in the older load frames with increase in load is now removed, giving higher accuracy. True Speed Pave Frame is used for applications such as CBR, UCS, Marshall both standard and modified, indirect Tensile, Triaxial and other routine tests.

Bump Integrator
Bump Integrator, also known as Roughometer or Automatic Road Unevenness Recorder gives quantitative integrated evaluation of surface irregularities on a digital counter or LCD screen. It comprises of a single wheeled trailer, with a pneumatic tyre mounted on a chassis, on which an integrating device is fitted. The machine has a panel board fitted with two or four sets sets of digital counters for accounting the unevenness index value. The operating speed of the
machine is 32±0.5 km/hr.

Asphalt Content Tester (IRC Accredited)
This machine is used to determine the asphalt content of hot mix asphalt (HMA), paving mixtures and pavement samples by removing the asphalt in an ignition furnace by means of sample heating not by means of solvents.

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