To provide optimal Quality and Customer Service by innovation and integration of leading edge global technologies".
To bring in leading edge technologies from the Best in the world.
To strive to be the preferred pathway for technology. Our business activities will be characterized by quality, innovation, imeliness, competitive awareness, ethical business practices and outstanding service to our customers.
To cultivate a vibrant, participatory and rational work environment that nurtures individual growth, empowerment, and responsibility; appreciates diversity; encourages initiative and creativity; values teamwork; shares success; and rewards excellence.
Core Values are the essential and enduring principles of Aimil that are integral to our success todate. These core values are unaffected by the trends of the day or market conditions and are so very part of our culture. They are :
To relentlessly pursue continuous improvement and excellence in products, processes and services.
We maintain curiosity towards the world and have a passion for lifelong learning. We believe in continuous self improvement and in developing our own leadership skills.
We conduct ourselves with uncompromising integrity and honesty as individuals, as teams, and as a company. We strive to earn enduring credibility with others, which we believe, is essential to long-term personal and business relationships.
We believe in respect for the individual and care about investing in each other's growth.