DCT OT Disk Shaped Compact Tension
The Troxler Disk-shaped Compact Tension and Texas Overlay Test Machine (DCT - OT) offers the following features:
1. Test results are printed and plotted immediately. There is no prost processing.
2. The DCT is completely contained on a rolling portable test frame that is designed to carry the load through the conventional pins used by DCT to load the specimen.
3. It can be added with a Texas Overlay test fixture and a copper tub.
4. A built-in insulated chamber in a chest style configuration with a flip top eliminates immediate air exchange when opening the chamber to change a specimen.
5. The system includes a 4500 lb force actuator with low friction seals and a magneto restrictive position sensor that is controlled by a proportional valve for closing the loop to control load, position, or strain.
Standard: AASHTO D7313