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Elcometer MTG4 - NDT Material Thickness Gauge

In MTG 4 ,the user can select one of 39 pre-set materials stored within the gauge including; aluminium, steel, stainless steel, cast iron, plexiglass, PVC, polystyrene and polyurethane. In Echo-Echo ThruPaint™ mode, the coating thickness is ignored and the material thickness from the top surface of the material to the material density boundary is displayed. 

By many option of calibration options and some measurements modes, MTG4 is capable for readings on coated and uncoated materials.


Measurement Mode

Echo-Echo ThruPaint measurement modes allows some readings that can be taken on coated materials with thickness rage up to 25.4mm. In this mode, coating thickness is avoided and the material thickness from the top surface of material to the material density boundary is displayed.


Data Output

By ElcoMaster® software, individual readings can be downloaded via USB to PC or similar device for further analysis.



  1. USB data output to PC or similar device
  2. Pulsed-Echo (P-E) and Echo-Echo ThruPaint™ (E-E) measurement modes
  3. Pre-set measurement rate of 4 readings per second
  4. 1-Point, Material and Factory calibration options


You may also see other ultrasonic thickness gauges .

