Pull out Test Apparatus is being especially designed to measure the interface friction between GI Strips I Geosynthetics and Soil. The use of reinforcements provides additional shear stress in the soil mass through the tensile force in the reinforcement. The considerable increase in the use of geosynthetics in the reinforced soil structures led to the development of testing procedures to evaluate their interaction properties. Pullout apparatus is mainly used for finding the interfacial friction between GI Strips I Geosynthetics with soil. The interfacial friction coefficient is most important parameter for design of reinforced earth walls, reinforced earth slopes and other reinforcement applications. This test is carried out to find pullout interface properties of geogrids used as reinforcement in the Soil structures. In this method, a geosynthetic is embedded between two layers of soil. For conducting the pullout test Normal compressive stress is applied to the top soil layer & horizontal force is applied to the geosynthetic & the force required to pull the geosynthetic out of the soil is recorded. Pullout resistance is obtained by dividing the maximum load by the test specimen width. A plot of maximum pullout resistance versus applied normal stress is obtained by conducting a series of such tests. The test method is applicable to all geosynthetics and all soils.
Models available are :
Pull out Test Apparatus for Geo synthesis (AIM-255)
Pull out Test Apparatus for Geo synthesis 50 kN Digital with pulling arrangement at variable angles and variable speeds with DAQ 8 channel (AIM-255-S1)
New Model Features
• Normal Load upto 250 kN.
• Variable Pull speeds available.
• Used in the design of geosynthctic reinforced retaining walls slopes & embankments
• Robust & accurate data acquisition system
• Rugged & sturdy Construction to ensure Accuracy of results.
• Suitable for testing Pull Out Interface properties of Geogrids in Soil structures.
• 25ChannelsData acquisitionSystem (Feasible forexpansion)
• Variable Sample Size.
• Pull Out force upto 100 kN.