Pile Installation Recorder (PIR)
For Quality Control of Augered Cast-in-Place (ACIPT) and Continuous Flight Auger (CFA) piles. An Automated Monitoring Equipment that assists in the installation of augered cast-inplace (ACIP)/continuous flight auger (CFA) and drilled displacement piles by displaying pumped grout/concrete as a function of depth in real time. PIR is a cost-effective way to reduce the uncertainty of concrete volume placement. The equipment may be installed in any crane, including those operating with low headroom. As the crane proceeds from pile to pile, the operator easily monitors the installation of every pile on the job in real time displaying:
• Grout volume pumped versus depth
• Grout line pressure
• Auger tip depth
• Auger torque, rotation, crowd and withdrawal rate
• Incremental drilling time / drilling rate
• Start and stop times