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PIV Lasers

Multi-Pulse Lasers available in  Lamp Pumped as well as   DPSS.

InnoLas Laser’s dual cavity lasers in a single monolithic housing are a perfect tool for Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV). Our specially designed SpitLight PIV series lasers provide double pulses in the VIS, perfectly controlled in time and space - exact in temporal delay as well as spatial overlap.
SpitLight PIV lasers emit q-switched double pulses with variable delay times and total energies from 100 mJ to 1000 mJ at a wavelength of 532 nm. The specially designed flat top beam profile in combination with the perfected spatial overlap of the double pulses ensures a uniform sample illumination. InnoLas follows an economic “Single Rail” and an high-end “Double Rail” approach. The SpitLight PIV is available in high energy lamp-pumped and high repetition DPSS versions.

