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Truck Mounted Deflectometer (TMD)

To optimize product life, AIMIL-Dynatest evolved the vehicle design to enable relatively straightforward conversion/interchangeability to a new vehicle at the completion of original vehicle life cycle, or to a trailer-mounting if preferred.

The Dynatest Truck Mounted Deflectometer (TMD) is particularly suitable for test environments requiring overall shorter length testing platforms (without losing deflection bowl coverage) or in which stand-alone vehicle purchases or vehicle-trailer operations are problematic.

1. Automated and rapid structural pavement testing
2. Determines the layer of failure, rather than determining simply the bearing capacity
3. QA/QC of newly built pavements
4. Compares a range of rehabilitation options, including plane off and recycling rather than just applying overlays
5. The use of the TMD provides accurate, reproducible and repeatable structural data
6. Automated and real-time monitoring of the load cell, geophones, and data variations ensures high quality of collected data.

