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Universal Automatic Compactor

Ref Standard IS:2720 (Part 7 & 8)


Invariably in every soil laboratory, compaction and penetration tests on soils are carried out regularly. The electrically operated mechanical compaction process eliminates the tedious hand compaction process and results in a considerable saving of time. Two rammers with two different stroke lengths are provided. This makes the apparatus suitable to carry out all the normal compaction operations required in soil testing laboratories including the CBR tests.


Models Available:

Universal Automatic Compactor with mild steel compaction mould as per IS, Supplied with AIM-11001-MS &AIM-111001-MS (AIM 114-1) Universal Automatic Compactor with mild steelcompaction mould as per BS, Supplied with AIM-11201 &AIM-11201-H (AIM 114-1 -BS ) Universal Automatic Compactor with mild steel compaction mould as per ASTM Supplied with AIM-11301-L&AIM-11301 (AIM 114-1-ASTM )

