Vibrating Wire - Pressure Cells
The Vibrating Wire type Pressure Cells are used for the measurement and control of Pressure/Stress distribution with in embankments and dams. Vibrating Wire Pressure Cells are also used in the measurement of "Contact pressure" on retaining/diaphragm walls, piers and abutments and lining of underground excavations. The Pressure Cells consist of circular or. rectangular flat cells formed by joining two stainless steel plates, welded around the periphery.The narrow gap between the plates is filled with fluid of comparable deformity to that of ground; Oil for use in "Soil" and mercury in casr of " rocks". The cell is connected to a Vibrating Wire pressure transducer by a shortlength of steel tubing, forming a closed hydraulic system. Both the cell and the transducer are embedded in the structure to be monitored. An armoured, screened cable connects the transducer to a terminal unit OR., directly to the Portable readout unit . It is suitable for remote reading, scanning and data logging.